Once a charge is added to a member's account, it will sit as a pending charge until the next scheduled invoice date. As long as the charge is pending you can make any edits or delete the charge.
Invoice Dashboard > Pending Charges > View All
On the pending charge module, you can choose to search for the charges assessed by 'Member' or by 'Charge'.
Member – You can search for a particular member to view all the pending charges assigned to that member. If a member notifies you that they are disaffiliating, and the charges were assessed but not invoiced, you can remove all the charges for that member.
Charge - You can search for the pending charge by the charge itself. This will load every account that had this charge template assigned. In this module, you can do a bulk edit and change all the details at once.
Example: You assessed a t-shirt fee and you billed everyone a fee of $15.00, but you did not factor in the shipping cost, so you need to change the amount to $16.00. In the pending charge module, you can filter by Charge and select the t-shirt charge template. It will load all of the accounts with the t-shirt charge assigned.
Select the circle in the upper left-hand corner to select all of the accounts and put a green check next to all of the names. Click bulk edit and then update the amount, chart of account, effective date, and description for all of those charges at once.
To delete a charge completely, select the red 'X' located on the right side of the charge.
Pro Tip: If you have a charge to assign to multiple members, but all the amounts are different, you can assign a pending charge template for the same amount to each member. On the pending charge module, you can edit each charge to be the correct amount for that member.
Pro Tip: Once you add charges, go to the pending charge module to review what you added. Search by 'Charge' and review the charges and the number of accounts the charges were assessed to. This helps to easily see if there are any errors in your billing.