If you added charges and they disappeared, most likely you made a future effective date. If you change the effective date when adding a charge, it will not populate on the system until the effective date occurs.
Invoice Dashboard -> Pending Charge Module-> Effective Date Range -> Adjust to a Future Date
An easy way to see this is if you go to the pending charge module, you can change the date range at the top. It's recommended to change the date to a future date, possibly a few years in the future, to see what populates. If you assessed charges with a future effective date, your charges will then show up, and you can view and edit them. This allows you to see any future charges or reoccurring ones to make sure they were assessed correctly.
Once you locate the pending charge you can edit it like any other charge. If you want the charge to appear now, just change the effective date to today's date.
Note: Once the charge is invoiced, you can no longer edit it. To adjust a member’s balance you need to add an account adjustment to counter the charges.