How do I Add Charges?
Greekbill does not typically add charges. It is up to the chapter to add the charges they need to be assessed for the semester. To add a charge go to the Invoice Dashboard > Charges Tab > Add Charges.
When adding a charge,
- A.) you can create a new charge
- B.) edit an existing charge template.
Once the charge is set up, Select the charge “Template” by clicking the blue plus sign on the left-hand side of the charge template. This moves the charge to the right-hand column. Any charges on the right-hand side will be assigned. Next, you select assignees and move to the second step adding charges.
You can assign the charges by searching for the member either in the search box or scrolling for the member. You will need to move them over to the right-hand column by selecting the blue plus sign on the left-hand side of the member’s name. Any member on the right hand will be assigned the charges. You can add all the members, filter between active and inactive, search for names on the right-hand column, and remove them.
The final step is to review the members and charges assigned and select Finish. The charges are then assigned to the member's accounts as pending charges. They will be invoiced on the next scheduled monthly invoice date.
Using an existing charge template: Search the existing charge templates by scrolling or typing in the search box for the wanted charge. You can edit the existing charge template by selecting the blue circle with the pencil to the right of the charge template. A pop-up window will appear allowing you to update the detail of the existing charge template. Update and save. Once it is updated you will need to assign the charge.
Creating a new charge template: If there isn't an existing charge template that meets your needs, you will need to create a new one. It is simple and easy to do. 1. Select Add New Charge and you will be prompted to fill in the charge details creating a template. 2. Once created, you will just need to assign it.
- Charge Template Name: This is supposed to be a generic identifier, DO NOT ADD SPECIFICS such as dates, semester, year, member names, etc. This is created to provide a high-level overview of a type of charge for internal reporting. This is the title or category of the charge for easy reference & reporting (example: Chapter Dues)
- Charge Description: This is where you are able to add specifics such as dates, semester, year, etc. Do NOT include information specific to a member such as a member's name because the templates get assigned to their accounts. This description is what will appear on the member's itemized invoice (example: Fall In-House Dues). You can edit this for any future charge.
- Charge Amount: This is the value (a dollar amount) of the charge.
- Chart of Account: Select the income account that the charge will be categorized under for budgeting purposes. Greekbill allows you to create and maintain a budget on greekbill. The chart of account feature is how your chapter’s income is tracked. The more you itemize your charges, the better reporting you will have.
- Effective Date:This is the date when the pending charge becomes viewable to the member. Charges remain pending until the next scheduled invoice date. A charge will be completely hidden on the system until its effective date occurs. THE EFFECTIVE DATE IS NOT THE DUE DATE. The purpose of this feature is to add any reoccurring charges or future billing that you don’t want to appear right away.
ProTip: To really understand the overall charges for your chapter, you will want to break down or itemize your charges and assign each one to a chart of accounts. This provides you with more detailed reporting for income and budgeting.
Option A. - RECOMMENDED level of charge detail
$100.00 – Chart of account- Social Dues
$125.00 – Chart of account- National Dues
$75.00 – Chart of account- Chapter Dues
$18.00 – Chart of account -greekbill Fee
$182.00- Chart of account – Room and Board
Total- $500.00
Option B. - NOT recommended high level overview
$500.00 - Chapter Dues (which actually includes social dues, national dues, greekbill fees, & room and board)
Option A creates more advanced reporting and tracking of income for charges.