If you need to adjust a member account balance and remove a charge, you cannot erase it once it has been invoiced. You will need to add an account adjustment to change the balance. Once the account adjustment is made it will reflect in the total balance but the current balance will only be adjusted on your next scheduled invoice date. If your chapter has access to you can also push an OnDemand Invoice to push the account adjustment.
One way you can remove a balance on a member account is by using the Remove Charge Module Recommended for removing multiple charges from a particular member.
How to access the remove charge module:
Invoice Dashboard > Charges Tab > Remove Charges> Remove Charge Module
The appeal for this option is to easily remove multiple charges from a particular member at once and you will always have the correct chart of accounts and amounts to remove.
Example: A member who was billed and invoiced for the new semester charges tells you they are not coming back next semester and dropping out. You want to clear the balance on their account and remove all the charges at once.
to remove a members charge go to the Invoice dashboard
and locate the Charges Tab, there are a few different ways to navigate to the Charges Module.
from there, click the Remove Charges link.
Search or scroll for the member you are looking for and select the circle on the left-hand side and click continue.
The next page will load all the charges created by a charge template ever assessed on their account. You can then select the charges you wish to remove. Once you have selected the charges and moved to the next page, you can review the negative charge templates that have populated to remove the charges.
***Once the negative charge is assigned to the account, it will invoice on the next scheduled invoice date.
Note: You can edit these templates. If you want to pro-rate the amount or change the description you can before you assign the charge.
Note: You can only adjust an account if it is “On System.” You can always move a member's account back on the system under the member status change report.
Pro Tip: Always look at the member's account history BEFORE removing the charge so you know what you need to remove. Look at the account’s pending charges, invoiced charges, and payments to get an idea of what was paid and invoiced. This will give you more information on what needs to be removed.