If you need to adjust a member account balance and remove a charge, you cannot erase it once it has been invoiced. You will need to add an account adjustment to change the balance.
Once the account adjustment is made it will reflect in the total balance but the current balance will only be adjusted on your next scheduled invoice date. If your chapter has access, you can also push an OnDemand Invoice to push the account adjustment.
You can remove a balance on a member account by Adding a negative charge to a member account. You can utilize the remove charge module or just assign a negative charge through the standard charge module.
How to add a negative charge to a member account,
Invoice Dashboard > Charges Tab > Add Charges> Create a new or use an existing charge template and make it (-) negative and assign it to the member(s) you wish to adjust their balance.
The appeal of this option is to easily You can assess the charge to one or many members at the same time.
Example: You billed and invoiced members for a t-shirt. The order was canceled and you are no longer getting the shirts. Now you need to adjust everyone's account to remove the charge. You can create one negative charge to remove the t-shirt charge and add it at the same time to all the members you initially assigned it to in one sweep.
to remove a members charge go to the Invoice dashboard
and locate the Charges Tab, there are a few different ways to navigate to the Charges Module.
from there, click the Add Charges link.
To assign a negative charge:
- Find the existing charge template by selecting the blue circle with a pencil on the right of the charge template and edit the template to be the negative amount by adding a (-) in front of the amount and assigning it to the member OR
- Create a new negative charge template to make account adjustments, you would do this by adding a (-) in front of the amount and assigning it to the member.
Note: Be sure to use the same chart of account so your reporting is correct
*** Once this charge is assessed it will be a pending charge, and you can also always edit a pending charge until it is invoiced.
You can also adjust a member's account balance by accessing the Remvoe Charge Module.