When an account has an outstanding balance that is old or you don’t think the chapter will ever be able to collect, you can choose to clear the account and write off the balance. If you clear the balance and assign the chart of account to “BAD DEBT” it will not affect the reporting.
The Bad Debt Write-off report will help make this process easier. The report will populate every account with a balance. Once you select the account to write off the bad debt write-off report will auto-populate a negative charge template for a total of the member's outstanding balance to clear it all at once.
To access the Bad Debt Report go to the Invoice Dashboard >Bad Deb tile>Write off Debt link.
Bad Debt Tile you can click the write-off debt link or view all write-offs link to view a history of all the accounts that have been written off.
Click the Write-off debit link.
The account that qualifies based on the parameters will populate. Select the accounts and go through the steps to clear their balance.
Once you submit the Bad Debt, The charge will be a pending charge and will not invoice until the next scheduled invoice date.
Note: This feature is for chapters that need a clean slate and start fresh. It is intended for alumni accounts with the potential of collecting the outstanding balance.