Your Purchase card may require approvals to do some actions on the card. Based on the organization's policies, there may be some checks and balances in place for a chapter to use the Purchase Card Program.
The Setting tab will allow you to add the need for approvers or to be notified of any activity on the card such as:
- Order Card
- Add Funds
- Cancel Card
- Transaction Limit- if the card is used to make a payment over a certain balance added it will trigger a notification to the approver that it was made.
If you choose to add approvers for the various actions you will need to provide the information below:
- Admin approval required? Yes or No
- Add admins who can approve a fund load request. – You will be prompted to search within the roster and give a member or advisor the approval status to approve or deny any card loads.
- How many admins are required to approve a fund load request? You can decide how many admins are needed for the action to be approved.
- Add admins who will be notified via email of a fund load request. No action is required by them, this will just keep them in the loop of the cards activity.
Once a request is made, the approvers will receive an email with a link to approve or deny a load. The notification/ email goes to the email linked to user name/ email address on file.
NOTE: The funds will not be loaded unless the funds have been approved by the outlined number of approvers.
How to see if a card has been approved
Go to the activity section on the purchase card dashboard. There you can view the various Purchase Card activity: load requester, the request, the amount requested, date of request, and status for the actions such as:
- Card Activation- When the card became active
- Card Loads- When and how much was loaded
- Card Unloads – When and how much the card was un-loaded
- Card Cancellation – When the card was canceled.
The Activity Status will be a hyperlink if there are approvers required. You can click on that hyperlink for more information on who approved or denied the action. It will include the date of the approved load or decline. If the load is still pending, it will list all of the approvers and give you an option to “Resend the Notification”. It will also list who has already approved the request.
NOTE: The funds will not be loaded unless the funds have been approved. If it is still pending then it is waiting on the approvals with approval status to approve the load.
NOTE: the Settings tab will list all the purchase card approvers. If you don’t have the correct approvers listed, you can just update the approvers thereby selecting the EDIT button in the upper right-hand corner for the various actions on the settings page. You may be restricted by your roles and permissions to edit/ update this information. In this scenario, you will need to reach out to your greekbill representative to get them assigned correctly to either add or remove an approver.
NOTE: If the approvers are changed before a card load/ unload has been approved and completed, you will need to re-request the action because the approvers who were listed before will no longer have an active link to approve the request.