When you add charges, those charges are associated with the chart of accounts. Members will pay, and the income will have already been pre-allocated to the chart of accounts related to that charge. When you review reports, they will already be sub-bucketed. The more detailed you assess your charges, i.e., the more you break down and itemize your expenses to the different charts of accounts, the more detailed your income budget and reporting will be.
Option A: (Recommend)
$100.00 – Chart of account: Social Dues
$125.00 – Chart of account: National Dues
$75.00 – Chart of account: Chapter Dues
$18.00 – Chart of account: greekbill Fee
$182.00- Chart of account: Room and Board
Total- $500.00
Option B: (NOT recommended)
$500.00 -Chart of account: Chapter Dues
Total- $500.00
Option A creates more advanced reporting and tracking of income for charges within your budget.