Once a check is added, you can choose to ‘Split’ the transaction and categorize the splits into the different charts of accounts/ expenses to get specific amounts spent for the chapter's budget.
Banking Dashboard >
Checks and Deposit Tile> Manage>
Locate the check, and Click on View. The Details of the check will load to change the details of the check click on the Edit link in the upper left-hand corner.
Once in the check detail, to split the check click on Add Another Line.
Example: You go to Costco and spend $500.00. You spent $100.00 on house supplies such as TP and Paper towels. You spent $400.00 on food for the house: $200.00 for the meal plan budget and $200.00 for food for a New Member event. To track this expense, you would add a check for that amount making the vendor Costco (or it will sync as a check). When you categorize the check’s chart of accounts, you can split this one transaction for the three different budgets.
- $100.00- House supplies
- $200.00 – Meal Plan
- $200.00- New Member events
If you split the transaction, you will get more accurate tracking for your budget and real-time numbers for your expenses.
You need to make sure the different splits total the full amount of the initial transaction.
Check Details:
- Account - Sub Account for Split
- Description - Description of sub purchase
- Amount - Amount Spent for the Sub-Budget
- Tag Transaction - Officer Role responsible for the transaction.
Once the totals are correct, and you have filled out the details of all the split transactions Click Submit.