The member roster displays all of your members and you can choose between various view settings in order to see your roster data as a whole or dive into a particular member.
Roster View Options:
Billing View: This highlights the balances of your members. There are multiple columns that display different stages of a member's balance:
- Pending Charges- Charges that have been added to the member's account but not invoiced yet.
- Current Balance The balance that is due that month. This could also be based on the balance due for the member signed payment schedule and does not include pending charges.
- Total Balance- This is pending charges + current balance.
Basic View: This highlights the member’s status and if they have a secondary user account.
More Views: This allows you to view the roster and member personal information, such filters are:
- Address, Contacts, & Profile
- Member Type
- Login History
- Member Notes
- Past Due Balances
- Signed Agreements
How to Manage Member Roster:
Your roster is maintained through mySigEp and synced with greekbill every 15 minutes. Any status updates that are made on mySigEp will automatically reflect on greekbill.
We recommend checking the number of active members listed on greekbill and making sure your rosters match up. We recommend checking your greekbill roster after any changes to your mySigEp roster. This will help avoid any per-member fee overcharges.
NOTE: If your roster is still incorrect on greekbill and it has been over an hour after making updates on mySigEp, please reach out to your greekbill account representative.
Pro Tip: You can Export most reports to a PDF or Excel to manipulate the data off of the system. You can double-click on the columns and they will organize alphabetically or numerically. You will see the little red arrow appear. Every blue underlined data point is a hyperlink that if you click on more information will populate.