To sync a bank account, you will be linking a bank account to your greekbill profile. This is NOT related to your weekly fund transfer. You agree for greekbill to pull your chapter's Bank Statement data. This feature will make it easier to track your expenses and deposits.
Here’s how to add / Sync a bank:
1. From the Admin Dashboard, click on the Banking tab. Once you are there, click on the BANKS AND PURCHASE CARD tab at the top of the page.
2. In the Transactions for Review box, click Sync a Bank
3. When you click the button, a popup will appear so you can add your bank account. Click Securely Link Bank Account
4. You’ll be prompted to the second popup where you can select your bank. Our platform allows you to link to all major banks
Note: For this guide, we’ll use Bank of America as an example. All banks go through the exact process.
5. When you select your bank, enter your Online IDand your Passcode. Click Submit
6. Next, select the account you wish to connect. Click Continue
7. A) Your bank account will appear in the Transactions for Review box when it’s successfully added.
Under your bank, you will see an overview of your bank account, yourgreekbill Balance, and To Do, if applicable
7. B) Next to your bank, you will see its Options(3 dots). When clicking it, you’ll see the following:
- Reconcile bank account
- Create check
- Create deposit
Note: Click on the options above to go to the step-by-step articles.
7. C) Below, you’ll see the Transactions for Review and Excluded Transactionstabs. Toggle through them to see the transactions
Note: You can also download these transactions in PDF and Excel format in the Export drop-down to the right.
The platform makes it easy to add a bank account. You’ll be able to navigate the process and add your account in minutes. To look at the Options articles, click the categories in step 7B.