Greekbill offers a variety of reporting for your chapter. To access these reports go to the Reports tab. There you will see tiles for all the reports GB offers, it will link to the different modules in addition to some more advanced accounting reports. They are organized into different sections and have descriptions for each tile.
Reporting dashboard Sections:
- Reporting Receivables & Transfers
- Invoice
- Members
- Agreements
- Banking and Budgets
- Accounting
Some top reports we offer are:
Payments Received: This allows you to view the payments the chapter has received via greekbill and the amount that will be transferred to the chapter. At the top, there is also a date filter so you can easily see the payments for a specific month, week, or day.
NOTE: Chapter-collected payments will also post on this report to give you accurate reporting on income at the bottom of the payment amount column.
greekbill Funds Transfer: This report lets you view the transfers that have been made and the amount that was transferred. If you would like you can click on the transfer and it allows you to see all the member payments that were included in that transfer.
Accounts Receivable: This report will show you members' outstanding balances and how past due they are based on the invoice due date. It is broken down into columns from pending charges to the current balance -> 30 days past due-> 60 days Past due-> to 90 Plus days past due.
Chapter Management Report: This report allows you to view the Profit/Loss, Account Receivable, and Bank Reconciliation based on dates you would like.
990 Tax Assistant: This is where you will go when it is time to file your taxes.
Other Reports:
- Refund Report
- Profit and Loss
- Income Breakdown